The Health of Ukrainian Women
The head of the health department in the Kirovograd region met with Laurentiu Stan. The American visitor is the author of the program “Health of Women of Ukraine”. As Oleg Rybalchenko noted, joint efforts with the U.S. Agency have reached as many as 14 districts in the region. In his opinion, the figure is very favorable, the results have exceeded expectations. Note that the cooperation between Ukrainian and U.S. sides began in June 2012. Over a six-month period, many specialists came to Kirovograd region to organize seminars, trainings, lectures and other useful activities. Under the supervision of foreign specialists were trained 175 medical workers.
According to the head of the health department, with the help of the program was able to reduce the rate of infant and maternal mortality. Much attention was paid to the diet. It is worth noting that many dieticians in Moscow support this program. In addition, the number of abortions decreased significantly over a six-month period. In June-December of last year, the number of willful abortions was 30% higher. Oleg Rybalchenko believes that these results were achieved exactly with the help of the program. So he thanked the representatives of the American side for their help in organizing a number of events. All these lectures and seminars were organized to protect the reproductive health of women. According to the head of the department, Kirovograd region in the future will continue joint cooperation with the transatlantic agency in this direction. Because today it is not a secret for anyone that the issue of ensuring favorable health of babies and mothers is one of the priorities in the field of medicine. At the moment Oleg Rybalchenko can not say when the new program will start working. But we will all be looking forward to this event.