Number and percentage of employees
The largest number and proportion of employees since the mid-70s have come from public and private services. The growth is primarily at the expense of public services, which is primarily due to the intensification of activities of the state and municipalities to create and expand institutions in the field of education, health, research and development activities 5.
The second most important field of the employees’ labor application is trade and banking system, which employs more people of this category. As microelectronic technology has been introduced, the growth of employment in these industries has slowed somewhat. Correspondingly, the growth in the number of clerks has decreased.
Widespread use of various forms of rationalization of mental labor has also caused a decrease in the proportion of employees employed in industry. But the growth of the number of industrial workers has not stopped. The number of highly qualified engineers and technicians has increased most rapidly. At the same time the share of clerical staff and craftsmen is decreasing. Nevertheless, clerks are still the largest group of employees in industry in.
One of the important features of the development of the hired labor force in general and civil servants in particular is the wide use of female labor. Their share in the hired labor force fluctuated between 40 and 47% in recent decades. Among employees it was even higher: in the 80-s, according to various estimates, it was from 56 to 62%.
The most rapid rates of “feminization” are to be found in administration, clerical staff, commerce and services, banking, as well as in the social sciences and culture.
If you plan to renovate the floor, and the place where it is most grinded, and in the case of damage to the floor, sanding is needed several times.