In two years 60 cultural centres will be repaired in the Pskov region
In the period from 2017-2018. At least 60 rural houses of culture will be repaired in Pskov region. About 2.2 million rubles were allocated for repair measures.
The total process of modernization will affect the cultural and leisure buildings of Pushkinskiy district of the Pskov region. According to Alexander Baranov, about 2.2 million rubles will be allocated for the repair work. Such an impressive sum of money for repair of rural houses of culture is planned within the framework of the subprogram on development of these establishments. These funds will be spent on a cable for roof heating and its subsequent repair, as well as adjust the facade of the institutions, will make the replacement of doors and windows. As for the timing of the repairs, they will start after May 29, that’s when the necessary agreement will be signed with the workers. At the end of August the total modernization of leisure and cultural facilities will come to its logical conclusion. In addition to the buildings themselves, the interior of the building also needs total renovation. Visiting for the inspection of rural houses of culture Vice-Governor Viktor Ostrenko did not neglect the most visited areas – the auditorium and the dance hall, as well as rooms, designed for rehearsals of local groups. The Vice-governor promised to deal with the allocation of funds for the repair of these premises. By the way, in the next 2 years rural houses of culture in the Pskov region expects a grand modernization process – so, the repair measures will affect about 60 local leisure and cultural institutions. As reported earlier by Delight News, the total repair will also affect the school No. 81 in the Samara region. In 2017, the school was declared emergency and closed to numerous students.