Liantor. Unemployment
Yugra administration reports: “Employment rates in the region are almost stable”. The number of the unemployed registered as of the end of last week increased by 8 persons comparing to the previous week and reached sixteen thousand and ten”. Gulfiya Khaibullina has been working in kindergartens of Lyantor for 14 years. But as fate would have it, the woman had to live for a year on unemployment benefits from the employment center. As it should be, the service offered the unemployed to take advantage of vacancies. Some options she did not accept because of low wages. Gulfiya decided to get a job as a janitor at the market. Day laborers in the market receive twelve thousand rubles. Employment Centre specialists say that such salaries don’t suit everyone. The second reason why unemployed people rejected vacancies was their desire to get a job only in state employment. But that’s almost impossible right now because the organizations are mostly privately owned, municipally owned and mixed. Valentina Tkachenko, head of the Employment Office of the City of Minsk. Lantor: “We regularly hold talks, we invite them, we advise them, we simply ask them to find a job, but the unemployed have such exaggerated demands. People want us to find them jobs without doing anything ourselves – but finding a job is not the same as downloading Photoshop for free. We have a duty to assist, counsel, and provide information to the unemployed, not to lead them by the hand to an employer.”. In the first ten months of this year, the Lyantor Employment Center has employed more than seven hundred residents. To date forty-one of them have been trained and retrained. Data on g. п. Lantor. Unemployment benefits assigned – 401 Minimum benefits -252 Long-term unemployed – 36, 1% According to specialists, forty-four people in Lantor, employed during the year, quit and reapplied to the city’s employment department. And according to the law the service is obliged to offer a suitable vacancy. If not, put a citizen on the record and start over.