Do you want this kind of business?? I want too.
But the reality of Ukrainian financial space is completely different. There will be no registration in one hour, wonderful soft taxes and no bribes for years. Welcome to Ukraine! The country of great opportunities for people with low morals.
The government sings beautiful songs about how they love entrepreneurship. In fact, the system of kickbacks and extortions has long ago destroyed everything.
The ability to have a good time is a great quality. You can not work all the time. You have to know how to relax and unwind!
I watched a program on “First Channel”. There’s a representative of the auto importers association in the studio. He told how they went to the minister and talked to him about how it was impossible to work in such a business climate, how all the big companies were leaving because of such fees.
Do you know what he told them?? “You’ll stay and work anyway!”
They told him: “How can we stay in this village?? Everything is at a disadvantage because of your measures. We are winding down the business.
He said to them: “No, you will stay anyway!”
This representative in the studio was shocked. Moreover, the delegation was mainly composed of foreigners. And such a ruler-minister has no understanding of the problems and lack of profit. “Stay!”.I was amazed at what a huge gap has appeared between officials, business and the people. This one just can’t be fixed. The “Pokraschenie” is reaching such a level that small businesses are even running away and closing down. Who will carry the economy of Ukraine? Akhmetov’s plants?
What did you expect from the rulers who were in prison and have bought education documents?? Naturally, only gangster methods and destruction of everything they don’t like. Time to leave Ukraine.